In addition to producing films we also provide a consultancy service to designers wishing to include multi-media presentations in galleries and exhibitions.

Typically we might begin by assessing the required AV content and exploring ways in which messages can best be conveyed using multi-media. Where appropriate we may offer alternative ways of achieving objectives.

We go on to draw up preliminary costs for the productions and the hardware they will need and test them against the gallery budget.

This may be followed by advising the exhibition designers on AV hardware installation parameters, checking drawings and drafting AV tender documentation for the hardware and software elements.



Bank Negara Malaysia is building a new training centre which will include a museum on three floors. As multi media design consultants we are assisting the designers in specifying and budgeting one hundred multi media elements.

At the same time we are developing production briefs with the curators of the seven galleries and identifying production companies in Malaysia to shoot films and develop computer games and other interactive exhibits.